TBOF (Taking Back Our Freedoms)

November 3, 2022

Yesterday morning, Preston Manning formally launched the National Citizens’ Inquiry (NCI). The announcement was broadcasted live from Parliament to all Canadians (watch the press conference and read the news release here).

Since June, your donations enabled TBOF to collaborate with freedom organizations to develop the NCI. A citizen-led and citizen-funded investigation into Canada’s COVID-19 response that is completely independent from government.

The NCI is an unprecedented civic initiative in Canadian history. A formal public inquiry launched and overseen entirely by citizens. The NCI is a direct and democratic response from Canadians to our federal and provincial governments who have skirted accountability and transparency for three years.

Today was just the beginning of a long process. We need you to take action today to keep the momentum going:

Remember, only you can hold the government accountable!


Brian Peckford Lauds Launch of National Citizens Initiative!

It is now up to the citizens of Canada , the people , to determine just what happened this past two years as it relates to the 14 Governments of Canada response to the so called pandemic.

Were all the draconian lockdowns and mandates really necessary? What happened to independent science and reason ? Were all these cruel measures Constitutional?

What happened to looking at best practices already in place to mitigate any negative fallout from a flu like condition? Were not many people negatively affected —died , injuried, lost their jobs, divided families and friends?

Today, the Honourable Preston Manning announced in Ottawa a citizens led national inquiry to investigate and give citizens a chance to be heard.

Go to www.nationalcitizensinquiry.ca for all the details and get involved!

Read the full article…