Of course, Grant Wahl was “vaccinated” and boostered:

2nd Smartest Guy in the World

December 10, 2022

Grant Wahl ended his tweet with, “Science!” and yet there is more than meets the eye here, far more:

“My body finally broke down on me,” he wrote. “Three weeks of little sleep, high stress and lots of work can do that to you. What had been a cold over the last 10 days turned into something more severe on the night of the USA-Netherlands game, and I could feel my upper chest take on a new level of pressure and discomfort.”

His wife, Dr. Céline Gounder, tweeted late Friday that the news came as a “complete shock.”

“I am so thankful for the support of my husband @GrantWahl‘s soccer family & of so many friends who’ve reached out tonight,” she said.


How many virile 48 year old men die from a common cold?

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