by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford


February 1, 2023

A person has contacted me saying I should give the National Citizens Inquiry the benefit of the doubt .

Here is my response:

‘There is no benefit of the doubt when the case is clear. Many who know this field have written me supporting my position.

If Trudeau violates ethical standards we condemn him, if Andrew Sheer violates ethical standards we condemn him, when Preston Manning violates ethical principles we are to give him a pass? A $250,000 pass? Are you kidding me? The end does not justify the means. That is the wrong ‘wok ‘way. .

To what ethical world do you belong?

Interesting when the rubber hits the road , when all those who express outrage about our leaders’ conflicts suddenly are faced personally with similar choices,  how many miserably fail the test !! Perhaps my greatest disappointment in life.

I remember being approached on the local road in a small rural community when an MLA by two Christian clergy men and asked if the Government contractor while in the area could be ordered to work on their cemetery road . I was taken back—-and in some what of a controlled rage I said I just had one question : what would Jesus say? There was no reply and the clergymen walked away.

The word spread of my encounter.

By the way, I won that community in the next election. First time ever that a conservative won it. ‘

Brian Peckford