Trudeau’s internet censorship is another incremental step down the ladder to the death of democracy in Canada.

by Brad Salzberg

May 7, 2023

Over the past several years, mainstream media in Canada have made myriad references to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statement of admiration for China’s “basic dictatorship.” It should come as no surprise that the most crucial element of our PM’s approbation is being omitted from media presentation.

Not only does PM Trudeau admire communist governance in China. He is also in the process of replicating Chinese government policy on Canadian soil.

Among the most pronounced of the transformations is found in the form of internet censorship. Canadian censorship expert Michael Geist has some serious words of damnation for what establishment media conveniently overlook:

“Earlier today, the Liberal party convention approved (subject to a final vote) two stunning policy resolutions with enormous implications for freedom of expression.”

“It approved a resolution that seeks to hold on-line information services accountable for the veracity of material published on their platforms, and to limit publication only to material whose sources can be traced. If enacted, the policy would undermine freedom of the press and could spark widespread censorship on Internet platforms.

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