by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford

June 10, 2023

Still in denial David Johnston has taken us out of our misery.

He resigned from the Special Rapporteur Position citing as the reason the ‘partisan atmosphere ‘ surrounding his work.

None is so blind—-it is Johnston who made it that way by accepting the appointment in the first place.

What arrogance ! He even suggests consulting with Opposition Parties ——

Quoting the Epoch Times :

‘He also asked Trudeau to appoint a “respected person” with national security experience to complete the probe.

“Ideally you would consult with opposition parties to identify suitable candidates to lead this effort,” he said.

Can you believe this ? He wants the PM to appoint a ‘respected person ‘to replace him and ‘ideally you would consult the opposition parties————‘.

The Privileged can sure be ‘ Insufferable !!!’ They believe  they are the oracle for all of us—modern day Gods of Delos.

There is the PM flaunting the conflict of interest laws

There is The Chief Justice inappropriately opining publicly ( God knows what he says privately) on matters that are  likely to come before his court.

There is the Leader of His Majesty’s Opposition hiring as his House leader an ethically disgraced former leader .

And now a former  Governor General , buddy of the Trudeau family accepting a job from PM Trudeau to investigate foreign interference in Federal Elections.

And I could go on for many paragraphs with the unethical , dishonest nature of our system .

And yet there isn’t a ground swell for major political party, parliamentary , governmental and judicial reform  . I have proposed some ideas in my Magna Carta.  No one is listening.

Just don’t go too far at any one time like the PM has done . Gradualism is the Canadian way and then hardy anyone will notice. Justin and David forgot their lesson plans on gradualism.

Anyone remember the unknown financing of the Sussex Drive swimming pool in Papa Trudeau’s day, Paul Martin and the Liberia flagged Canadian Pacific ships —-Chretien’s illegal firing of the President of FBDB Bank , the Sponsorship scandal——————the more recent SNC Lavalin scandal-?????

Take your little your slap on the wrist and a Federal lawmaker can continue being a law breaker .

You can begin to see how we got to this sad place of collusion among Governments, Big Media, Big Pharma and Big Tech to usher in anti science , unconstitutional ——-mass propaganda behaviour———some call it mass psychosis.