Chris Elston (C), also called “Billboard Chris,” carries a billboard surrounded by supporters during a protest against gender ideology being taught in schools, in Ottawa on June 9, 2023. (The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick)

by Matthew Horwood

The Epoch Times

June 10, 2023

OTTAWA—Hundreds of protestors rallied near schools in Ottawa’s west end on Friday to protest against gender ideology being taught to children, while hundreds of LGBT supporters gathered to counter-protest the group.

The Ottawa Police Service shut down Broadview Avenue for the “Education over Indoctrination” rally, which was organized in part by B.C. resident Chris Elston, who goes by the monicker Billboard Chris, and student activist John Alexander—who late last year organized a protest over the use of washrooms based on gender identity at a high school in Renfrew.

Flanked by supporters, Elston told The Epoch Times the idea that not allowing children to gender transition through puberty blockers and surgeries will lead to their suicides is a “coercive tactic in order to silence conversation,” and that there is “absolutely no evidence to support this.”

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  1. These good people are doing God’s work – standing up to an evil agenda.

    This is all about standing up to Turdeau and the UnGodly World Economic Forum Agenda 2030.

    The Turdeau-Sing Regime is essentially a Communist Regime, comprised of 2 unpopular minority parties. They don’t really work for Canada or Canadians.

    By the time we have another election in October 2025 the damage they have done to Canada could be almost irreversible.