by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford
June 15, 2023

Once More With Feeling—It’s The System That Has To be Changed,. All The Mainstream Parties Want To Keep This Broken System , They Win And We Lose –

The Hill Times Newspaper out of swamp capital , Ottawa, discloses that $30. 7 Billion of the Federal Budget has not been reviewed by the Parliamentary Committees who are suppose to review such expenditure .

So its just not the Government  but the Parliament itself that it is dropping the  ball on appropriate Government oversight.

This is where think tanks and news media, if we still have any independent ones  left  , should be focusing their attention.

In my Magna Carta I specifically mention that Parliamentary Committees must be strengthened—this can be done now and if the people of Canada rose up and demanded same —-it would be done . This is the kind of democracy we need . Canadians like to talk and form this or that organization and preach to the choir —-meanwhile the dishonest and incompetence continues unabated.

The Hill Times report list five House of Commons Committees and one House and Senate Committee that were suppose to review  these billions of dollars of expenditure.

Canadians naively think that by changing parties( as much as we all dislike Trudeau and the Liberals and the NDP) ) that all will be fine and we can all go about our daily lives devoid of much political action  —-and that is exactly what got us into this mess——-and what has happened Provincially in recent elections .

We are own worst enemies because we have not figured out that as democracies ‘mature’ more and more citizen involvement is necessary in order to keep that democracy not less.

Seems like a simple idea—but it is not—in that Canadians refuse to see how precarious  our situation really is and the answer is ——us, we the people in legitimate democratic action.