Pictured, prime minister of Canada Justin Trudeau promotes transgenderism for Canadians of any age with an appearance on television Drag Queen Show

“Protesters opposed to gender-identity policies disrupted a school board meeting in Surrey, B.C. with calls against LGBT indoctrination in our public education system.”

by Brad Salzberg


June 17, 2023

The past decade in Canada has witnessed an unprecedented amount of government and media coverage as related to the topic of “community privilege.”

Top-of-mind awareness on the subject generally conjures up the concept of “white privilege,” as advanced by PM Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government, along with  mainstream media organizations they fund by the billions.

Readers of CAP media output can guess that our position on the topic remains antithetical to legacy media narrative. In this regard, we can’t think of a more quintessential example than the entitlement currently being accorded to Canada’s LGBT communities.

Imagine the privilege: in terms of push-back against the transgender-for-children movement endorsed by Trudeau’s Liberals, all criticism is funnelled into a single idea:

“This is hate,” goes the government refrain. “These homo-haters must be put in their place. There is no room for hate in contemporary Canada” runs the media line.