by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford

June 27, 2023

It is hard to fathom the extent of the damage.

This, in Canadian Jargon, is a ‘have province,’ of the federation.

But it has consistently abused its favoured position on the west side of the Rockies .

Almost like another country.

Many of my friends and acquaintances are leaving or have left.  Some to Mexico, others to Central America , the USA, and others  to Alberta.

They can’t take it anymore.

It’s a microcosm of the Federal Government scene and Canada generally with a couple of possible exceptions.

I had a friend tell me that the Vancouver Port is one of the most inefficient of large ports on the Planet.

This is the place where green and so called environmentalism thrives in the minds of people, but has as its chief exports—-COAL AND NATURAL GAS .

With favourable terms from the Governments a gigantic ( $40 Billion) LNG Terminal is being erected in Kitimat, home already to an Aluminum Smelter.

Travel on the BC Ferries Terminal near Delta and you will see the massive mounds of coal, ready for export, having travelled by a non green train from the interior.

Former Socialist Premier Horgan, an avid environmentalist , just took a seat on the Board of a Coal Company.

The Home Of Canadian Environmentalism !!!

And BC is an avid , proponent of Public Health Care. None of that ugly American Private Health Care .

But, the BC Government just did a deal with the Americans in Washington State to treat BC Cancer patients at Private HEALTH CARE FACILITIES in that state.

BC ‘s vaunted Pubic Health care cannot handle the treatment of their own cancer patents.

And, British Columbia has almost 20% of it people without a family doctor, that Is almost a million people. Highest percentage in Canada.

Then the insufferable unscientific , unconstitutional lockdowns and mandates . We still have, where I live, a business with a sign in its window saying COVID is not over and be careful because there is a place the ICU for you.

Restricting freedom of health care practitioners was recently a part of a new approved bill in the legislature. And its has been approved by the people given the two wins by Government NDP Party candidates in by elections this past week—-or of sufficient non importance to affect the outcome

When the world’s heath care workers are free , restrictions still exist here.

What this place has in abundance more than anything else is HYPOCRISY —-its reserves are immense ——untold massive volumes of it.

A couple of years ago I did a rough study of the University of BC ‘s connection with Communist China. There were scores of arrangements. Of course, all in  the name of Global this or that or academic freedom.  China, the place where freedom goes to die. A former graduate of UBC and former Chief Justice has been involved with the Hong Kong justice system since China took over. But you are not allowed to say anything about that.

To underscore the Province’s incompetence, a local forest fire closed the road to the west coast of Vancouver Island recently reducing access to world famous tourist spots like Port Alberni, Tofino and Ucluelet .  A 2 to 4  hour detour on forestry roads was the only land access. I remember years ago some brave souls proposed a second route  in case of emergencies like is happening now.  Not approved —but if it had false environmental trappings who knows how much money would be thrown at it. And this area is a sensitive earth quake zone.

The problems come in many ways:

The Town of Qualicum Beach ( 9303 population, 2021 census) ‘had nearly 12 employees earning over $100,000 annually. The top  earner brought home $195,000 in 2022’ according to a report by the Town carried in the local newspaper.

And local news reports today carry the following :

‘Premier David Eby announced on Monday, the province will spend $12 million to help with an influx of pets from people who adopted during the pandemic. The money will be used to build four new SPCA facilities in Vancouver, Duncan, Prince George, and Fort St. John.’

I wonder how the BC cancer patents forced to travel to the US for treatment view these Provincial financial priorities?

Great weather, scenery but a place lacking in responsible governance and leadership and loaded with double standards.