by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford

June 30, 2023

Just look at the recent Angus Reid Poll

Premier Eby gets a 27% favourable rating !!

How do you like those marbles?

Quoting Epoch Times article on the poll:

‘Residents of British Columbia ranked their Premier David Eby at 27% , down five points since March, and the lowest ranking in the last decade.

Only 15 percent of B.C. residents responded that the province was doing a good job with cost-of-living, and only 11 percent had favourable feedback on the issue of housing affordability.

“Fewer than one-quarter are happy with Premier David Eby’s government in its handling of the cost of living, health care, and housing affordability.

Staffing crises in health care remain and the B.C. NDP continues to search for answers to increase the province’s housing stock to increase affordability,” said Angus Reid.’

All the Premiers and their Governments are not doing well.


Because they continue to under perform , making silly announcements , spending more of our money with few positive  results . Perhaps people are beginning to see the misrepresentations and the spin—the safe and  effective untruth is being seen and understood by more and more people.

Even Alberta and Saskatchewan which fare better are only at and 40 % and 42% —and look at the money Alberta has committed in the last few months.

The bumbling Premiers of Ontario and Manitoba are scoring lowest —but throughout the land there is unrest.

Even in my native Province of Newfoundland and Labrador residents are beginning to see through the obfuscation, I quote:

‘Things do not fare much better for Andrew Furey, premier of Newfoundland and Labrador. In that province, 80 percent of residents polled said the government was performing poorly on health care (80 percent), badly on handling the cost of living and inflation (86 percent), and poorly on the economy (66 percent).

We need new Parties , new approaches—and a ton of honesty .

There’ s none left Federally or Provincially —that ‘s why many who can leave have and are leaving.

Remember my reference some time months ago to a World Bank study that Canada is 120 in the world on how long it takes to get a electrical permit—-60th a construction permit———-that tells a lot!!!

We are bumbling and stumbling our way ——pretending , dreaming!!

And BC Cancer patients in this Province are sent by their Socialist Government to Private Health care in The United  States .

And the BC Coroner says:

‘Illicit drug toxicity now leading cause of death for B.C. residents between 10 and 59: Coroner’

If these two facts are not the ultimate in incompetence, I would like to know what is?



  1. Mr. Peckford,

    Imagine for one moment in British Columbia if we elected 40 + independent mlas, we would form government.

    Independent BC is not supportive of any specific party. It’s existence is purely education and support of electing independent candidates throughout 40 plus ridings within British Columbia.

    We would love for you to get behind this idea because you had not only have stature, but it is also the only way that we are going to get rid of all the corruption that currently exists and all the issues that so far from the polls on our website are 100% that the people do not support the NDP, they do not support the 38 B Cup Party and also they don’t support the Green Party. That consists of 50% of the people that vote for those particular three parties. The other half 1.5 million do not vote at all and that is the objective of Independence BC. To go after those voters to try and change their decision thinking to the fact that why not support and get behind an independent MLA in your riding so that he or she can represent you and only you and does not have a party whip behind them saying this is the way you have to vote.

    In case you’re not aware of this fact the Northwest Territories has had a consensus government for over 100 years consisting of all members of the legislature are independent mlas. No party system there. Now that’s true democracy.

    Please check out our website and get behind this movement. You and I and countless others can make a world of difference. And it’ll make you feel good all at the same time. Now wouldn’t that be a wonderful feeling. We can do it we will do it, we have no other choice but to do it.

    Let’s make history. There is less than 16 months to go to the next provincial election and he might call a snap election in the spring.

    Salvatore Vetro
    independent BC