
The “C40 Cities Headline Report: The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” outlines the disturbing plan that has been put in motion to control all of humanity through the SMART/15 Minute/C40 Cities. For decades the UN/WEF have been at work implementing their diabolical plan and their main focus is at the municipal level because municipalities are closest to the people and have the potential to inflict the greatest amount of control at the ground level. Municipalities are receiving cash incentives and many mayors have signed on to the Covenant of Mayors.

The Globalists have been contriving to create a dystopian future through fearmongering, misinformation, unscientific data, and manipulation. Of course, none of it is sustainable, or legal, but it was never meant to be. It was meant to destroy humanity as we know it and provide complete power and control to the Globalists. Following are a few highlights from the C40 report. Remember as you review these points that according to Klaus Schwab, “you will own nothing and be happy”.

2030 Six Year Plan to reduce your:

Meat consumption: from 16kg of meat to ZERO
Dairy/Milk: from 90kg of milk to ZERO
Calories/day: 2500 Kcal/day
Number of clothing purchase/per person/per year: 8 items and then down to 3 items
Car ownership: 190 vehicles per 1000 people down to ZERO vehicles

If you don’t like the sounds of this then you must get involved in the undoing of it. Read below for more information on how to take effective action.

The “C40 Cities Headline Report: The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” outlines the disturbing plan that has been put in motion to control all of humanity through the SMART/15 Minute/C40 Cities. For decades the UN/WEF have been at work implementing their diabolical plan and their main focus is at the municipal level because municipalities are closest to the people and have the potential to inflict the greatest amount of control at the ground level. Municipalities are receiving cash incentives and many mayors have signed on to the Covenant of Mayors.

The Globalists have been contriving to create a dystopian future through fearmongering, misinformation, unscientific data, and manipulation. Of course, none of it is sustainable, or legal, but it was never meant to be. It was meant to destroy humanity as we know it and provide complete power and control to the Globalists. Following are a few highlights from the C40 report. Remember as you review these points that according to Klaus Schwab, “you will own nothing and be happy”.

2030 Six Year Plan to reduce your:

Meat consumption: from 16kg of meat to ZERO
Dairy/Milk: from 90kg of milk to ZERO
Calories/day: 2500 Kcal/day
Number of clothing purchase/per person/per year: 8 items and then down to 3 items
Car ownership: 190 vehicles per 1000 people down to ZERO vehicles

If you don’t like the sounds of this then you must get involved in the undoing of it. Read below for more information on how to take effective action.

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