You will not want to miss this week’s Empower Hour with Tanya Gaw and special guest Dr. Peter McCullough. Tanya and Dr. McCullough take a deep dive and name names of those who are behind the mass bioweapon attack on humanity that has caused serious harm, including death, to millions of people. This past week there were two significant, groundbreaking studies released, one from Denmark and the second by Dr. McCullough and his colleagues in the USA, that prove that the COVID-19 injection caused severe vaccine injury and death.

See the video trailer and information below to learn more and be sure to Register in Advance and invite others to this Empower Hour.

Review Dr. McCullough’s page that includes includes a biography, videos and treatment protocols to keep you healthy, and to help people who are vaccine injured.

When: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST Register in Advance.
4:30pm PST – A4C Orientation; 4:45pm PST – Tanya’s update; 5pm PST/8pm EST – Empower Hour guest segment


Trailer: Upcoming Empower Hour Interview

In this trailer Tanya Gaw and Dr. Peter McCullough discuss the breaking study out of Denmark giving evidence that some batches of the COVID-19 vaccines were more lethal. Researchers in Denmark published a report in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation on “Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine”. The study reveals that 71% of the adverse events were from 4.2% of the batches (see chart below).
As no surprise, this information is being censored and suppressed by major medical associations including the Lancet Group, the American Medical Association, The New England Journal of Medical Association, and Archives of Internal Medicine.
Dr McCullough’s study was also censored and removed by Lancet. The study was a systemic review of autopsy findings in deaths after COVID-19 vaccinations. The study found that out of 325 autopsies, 240 of the deaths, 74%, were caused by the vaccine. The study was removed within 24 hours stating, “This preprint has been removed by Preprints with the Lancet because the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.” The study had not undergone any part of the peer-review process, the note implies it fell foul of “screening criteria”.


Chart: Denmark Study

These findings are extremely important in providing evidence of what many of us have known from the onset, that this is a bioweapon created to seriously harm citizens, in order to reduce the world’s population. The WEF and UN have not kept their intentions a secret so it is no longer a conspiracy theory but a sad reality. The blue line represents 4.2% of the batches and equates to 71% of the adverse events.

The Denmark study has limitations as it cannot predict the adverse events and deaths that are yet to come as the longer term effects of the COVID-19 jab ravage unsuspecting citizen’s bodies in the form of myocarditis, aggressive cancers and other terminal illnesses. We will never truly know the final number of injuries and deaths associated with the jab because people will be diagnosed one by one by their doctors with many never putting two and two together.

God have mercy and may justice prevail.


Viral Video: The Vaxxed Cause
Harm to the Unvaxxed

Dr. McCullough joined Tanya on a previous Empower Hour in November 2022, to discuss the Covid-19 fraud, the harms of the experimental injections, deaths, shedding, treatments, and more. This interview went viral and millions of people shared the clip of Dr. McCullough confirming that the vaxxed pose a risk to the unvaxxed (not the other way around as the mainstream media would like you to believe). It is only a matter of time until peer reviewed research studies, will be made available that confirm this.

Please share this information to help educate as many people as possible. We understand that it is very difficult to accept but in doing so you can help save lives.

As Action4Canada continues to courageously defend Canadians rights and freedoms we ask that you would please consider courageously giving, either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor. Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!

If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team @

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team






  1. Just in case anyone believed the political system actually took this garbage, notice how they are not dying like the rest of the population is.

    I remember catching a video talking about a large number ‘jabs’ being thrown around in EU were merely saline shots and had next to no adverse reactions (given how this stuff is usually safe to administer), meanwhile other batches with different codes had crazy adverse reaction numbers (And I would be unsurprised if those numbers are grossly understated to promote this garbage as ‘safe’).

    That’s all the proof I need to know that they were told from the start that this would kill people on a large-scale; they took something else.