“It seems like Mary Simon and her bureaucrats go out of their way to find the most expensive options,” says a Canadian Taxpayer Federation representative.
by Brad Salzberg
July 15, 2023
For all her pontifications regarding Canada’s under-privileged communities, Canadian Governor General Mary Simon doesn’t walk the talk. Lavishing in a life of luxury at the expense of Canadian tax-payers is more Ms. Simon’s style.
“The Governor General spent more on fancy rides in four days than the average Canadian makes in a whole year,” said federal director Franco Terrazzano from the Canadian Tax Federation.
Not that she isn’t a step forward from PM Justin Trudeau’s previous choice for GG:
“For all high-level appointments, there is a rigorous vetting process that was followed in this case,” Trudeau told reporters in defence of Julie Payette, Simon’s predecessor.
Julie Payette was charged with assault on November 24, 2011. At least one source alleged that the victim was her then-husband, Billie Flynn. In 2016, Toronto Star reported that as she was driving home, Ms. Payette killed a pedestrian with her car.
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