“You almost wonder if Trudeau doesn’t want the truth to come out about Beijing’s interference in our democracy before the next election so he can allow that interference to happen all over again.”

by Brad Salzberg


August 22, 2023

“I’ve made my suggestions and I’m now waiting for him,” Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre told reporters.

“You almost wonder if Trudeau doesn’t want the truth to come out about Beijing’s interference in our democracy before the next election so that he can allow that interference to happen all over again.”

Canadians familiar with CAP media output can anticipate our reaction to Poilievre’s statement on a Liberal-China election connection.

We don’t “almost wonder”-– we believe it implicitly. We also believe that millions of Canadian voters would be in agreement, if not for media’s cover-up of a decades-long “partnership” between the Liberals and the government of China.

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