“The board asked its libraries to remove fiction and non-fiction books published before 2008 while assessing collections through an equity lens.”

by Brad Salzberg


September 15, 2023

“Ontario’s Education Minister says he has asked a school board to immediately end the practice of removing library books after concerns were raised about how it was carrying out the process of assessing and removing older books.”

Over the past decade, Ontario’s public school system has adopted a certain militancy when it comes to “educating” their students.

“Since last spring, the Peel District School Board, outside Toronto, has been weeding books from school libraries that are not deemed inclusive.”

Along with many parents, CAP recognise the hypocrisy inherent in Ontario public school education. “Inclusivity” is wholly subjective. The concept is, in fact, highly exclusive. What Canadian school boards and trustees stand against contains a laundry list of what educators consider inappropriate for students.

“An advocacy group made up of teachers, parents, students and school staff who are against the board’s process says it appears the board asked its libraries to remove fiction and non-fiction books published before 2008 while assessing collections through an equity lens.”

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  1. Ah! The exclusivity that so many Canadians ironically are against!
    Their own DNA is exclusive for many good reasons, but it is also their physical body’s “one and only way”, the very thing Jesus claims to be for His spiritual body,
    which many and woke reject!