Amarinder Singh: “In 2018, I gave Trudeau a list of terrorists in Canada — he did nothing.”

by Brad Salzberg

September 25, 2023

Despite what media in Canada would have us believe, the “internationalization” of Canada is in no way a post-modern phenomenon. It’s roots go back to the late 1960s, at a point when former Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau took over from predecessor Lester B. Pearson.

Media have never zeroed in on a decision which over the decades transformed our nation into the polyglot society it is at present. It was decided by government that immigration should transition to a “points-based” system. Pressure from the United Nations was just one contributing factor to the re-imagining of Canada as a so-called “multicultural” society.

Based upon a revamped immigration policy, in addition to Multiculturalism and a related Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Canada’s traditional identity as a bi-cultural English & French-Canadian identity was abandoned by government.

Without question, it was Pierre Trudeau who steered our country toward its current social status. Mass immigration from the 3rd World is his innovation. Unilaterally forced on society devoid of public approval, Multiculturalism is another PET innovation. Charter Rights entrenched into our Constitution by the Liberals in 1982  has proven itself critical to an accumulation of political power for those driving Canada’s “diversity” bus.

That mainstream media in Canada constantly evade these realities has been a disservice to those who have never benefited from societal transformation at the hands of a succession of Liberal governments. Not that the Conservative Party didn’t chip in with indulgences in globalist transformation– the most obvious being the signing of NAFTA under the Conservative government of Brian Mulroney.

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