“Dr. Tracy Pickett told the British Columbia Supreme Court trial of Ibrahim Ali that she considered all of the injuries the girl sustained before forming her conclusion.”

by Brad Salzberg


September 29, 2023

Dr. Mary A. Pickett was a specialist in emergency medicine and clinical forensic medicine. working as a physician at Vancouver General Hospital, and served as medical director for the BC Women’s Hospital Sexual Assault Centre.

Her name has been making news recently as she served as an expert witness in the murder case of Ibrahim Ali, accused of the rape and murder of Marrisa Shen of Burnaby, B.C.

Now, Dr. Pickett is dead. Cultural Action Party has been following the murder and subsequent trial of Syrian Refugee Ibrahim Ali since the 13-year old schoolgirl’s body was found dead in a suburban Vancouver park over six years ago.

From which we draw several conclusions: one, based on the tragic circumstances, the Ali-Shen murder trial deserves to be front-and-centre in Canadian media. Two, it isn’t– for a specific reason.

Namely, how poorly the case reflects on PM Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government. It was he who so ebulliently advanced an intake of 35,000 Syrian refugees to Canada upon gaining office in 2015.

Ibrahim Ali is part of the intake. Therefore, in order in minimize exposure of case and trial, media in Canada reflect the will of the Liberal government. Sublimating all aspects of the trial, Canadians have been prevented from comprehending both the murder, as well as a pertinent by-product of the case.

It’s not simply a matter of an accused Syrian refugee being on trial for killing a Canadian school girl. It’s the integrity of Liberal immigration and refugee policy that’s on trial. To the degree that it likely motivated the Feds to instruct media to go low-key on the trial. Funded by the Trudeau government, the press in Canada has largely complied.

With the death of expert medical witness Dr. Pickett, Canadians could come to understand the magnitude of the current trial taking place in a Vancouver courtroom.

It’s “deadly” serious is the conclusion to be drawn from the death of Dr. Pickett. Unless it is a coincidence, which appears doubtful.

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