by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford


October 2, 2023

Without Honesty , There Can Be No Democracy

As one surveys the scene locally, provincially, federally and globally the absence of honesty overwhelms.

This is so pervasive that Robert. J. Kennedy Jr. Highlights it as the first item in his Presidential Campaign . Sad isn’t it that Mr. Kennedy ‘s uncle and father were both assassinated and yet decades later we have learned so little . And then  his own Government refuses him protection as if all candidates  had a similar personal history

Near the beginning of the so called pandemic I was naively surprised when Dr. Charles Hoffe was so maligned here in British Columbia by the authorities as he attempted to get medical help for his patients. I actually called Dr. Hoffe to confirm the reports of this injustice. This was to be followed by many more cases across Canada as the state crushed  to obliterate dissent: Dr. Stephen Malthouse, Dr. Francis Christian, Dr. Roger Hodkison , Dr.Byram  Bridle  Dr. Paul Alexander, , Dr. William Makis , and Dr. Chris Milburn , to name just a few.

This is occurring we were told in one of the best places to live on the globe.

Then we witnessed the press , with their financial assistance firmly secured , pursue with Governments this continued information suppression. In my own case papers that would normally carry my articles suddenly ignored them . Jordan Peterson said to  me when I did my interview with him——why just write the newspapers. He was later to learn that some people’s view were carried while other were not or only when they were embarrassed into it.

The Provincial Premiers and their Ministers hiding behind  their Public Health Officers as medical science was turned on its head. The complete breakdown of representative and responsible Government ensued as blatant violations of the Constitution by Government increased. No cost benefit analysis, no ongoing parliamentary  involvement.

The Federal Government spokesmen callously advancing half truths on a gullible public even when credible science contradicted their propaganda.

The capricious Pharmaceutical companies signing billion dollar deals with incompetent and shady Governments.

Peoples rights to free speech, assembly, and association , travel , religion summarily dismissed.  And this to be confirmed by a uninformed , lazy judiciary , twisting or ignoring the plain meaning of our Constitution .

The hippocratic oath , informed consent , bodily autonomy, concepts developed  over centuries  arrogantly ignored , replaced with experiential, never used before drugs where all liability was waved —-drug companies who earlier were found guilty receiving such largess from shallow leaders.

Perhaps what is most devastating is the lame role of the judiciary as a whole and the blatant interference of our Chief Justice.

Justin Trudeau, we all knew about him and the incompetence of the Premiers, Ministers and bureaucrats suddenly becoming politicians . We saw it on display every day.

But the Judges ?

Legislative, Executive  and Judicial, the three pillars of our democracy have dramatically fused  into one —-as democracy dies .

I have tried to propose measures to restore some semblance of democracy through my Magna Carta —-but few in power are interested—-when the system cuts you out from speaking in a local high school , a major university  and even your Municipal Council you know the jigs up.

When political parties do not want to publish annually audited financial statements , when the mainstream political parties continue to allow their elected MP’s to break the law and still sit in the Parliament , when inquiries are established which perpetrate conflict of interest violations and break ethical standards , the conduct of meaningful public policy is impossible .

Honesty must come first —-without it legitimate political governance is a non starter and democracy cannot flourish.

Right now in Canada , HONESTY IS SHUNED —-UNPOPULAR!!

As one surveys the scene locally, provincially, federally and globally the absence of honesty overwhelms.

This is so pervasive that Robert. J. Kennedy Jr. Highlights it as the first item in his Presidential Campaign . Sad isn’t it that Mr. Kennedy ‘s uncle and father were both assassinated and yet decades later we have learned so little . And then  his own Government refuses him protection as if all candidates  had a similar personal history

Near the beginning of the so called pandemic I was naively surprised when Dr. Charles Hoffe was so maligned here in British Columbia by the authorities as he attempted to get medical help for his patients. I actually called Dr. Hoffe to confirm the reports of this injustice. This was to be followed by many more cases across Canada as the state crushed  to obliterate dissent: Dr. Stephen Malthouse, Dr. Francis Christian, Dr. Roger Hodkison , Dr.Byram  Bridle  Dr. Paul Alexander, , Dr. William Makis , and Dr. Chris Milburn , to name just a few.

This is occurring we were told in one of the best places to live on the globe.

Then we witnessed the press , with their financial assistance firmly secured , pursue with Governments this continued information suppression. In my own case papers that would normally carry my articles suddenly ignored them . Jordan Peterson said to  me when I did my interview with him——why just write the newspapers. He was later to learn that some people’s view were carried while other were not or only when they were embarrassed into it.

The Provincial Premiers and their Ministers hiding behind  their Public Health Officers as medical science was turned on its head. The complete breakdown of representative and responsible Government ensued as blatant violations of the Constitution by Government increased. No cost benefit analysis, no ongoing parliamentary  involvement.

The Federal Government spokesmen callously advancing half truths on a gullible public even when credible science contradicted their propaganda.

The capricious Pharmaceutical companies signing billion dollar deals with incompetent and shady Governments.

Peoples rights to free speech, assembly, and association , travel , religion summarily dismissed.  And this to be confirmed by a uninformed , lazy judiciary , twisting or ignoring the plain meaning of our Constitution .

The hippocratic oath , informed consent , bodily autonomy, concepts developed  over centuries  arrogantly ignored , replaced with experiential, never used before drugs where all liability was waved —-drug companies who earlier were found guilty receiving such largess from shallow leaders.

Perhaps what is most devastating is the lame role of the judiciary as a whole and the blatant interference of our Chief Justice.

Justin Trudeau, we all knew about him and the incompetence of the Premiers, Ministers and bureaucrats suddenly becoming politicians . We saw it on display every day.

But the Judges ?

Legislative, Executive  and Judicial, the three pillars of our democracy have dramatically fused  into one —-as democracy dies .

I have tried to propose measures to restore some semblance of democracy through my Magna Carta —-but few in power are interested—-when the system cuts you out from speaking in a local high school , a major university  and even your Municipal Council you know the jigs up.

When political parties do not want to publish annually audited financial statements , when the mainstream political parties continue to allow their elected MP’s to break the law and still sit in the Parliament , when inquiries are established which perpetrate conflict of interest violations and break ethical standards , the conduct of meaningful public policy is impossible .

Honesty must come first —-without it legitimate political governance is a non starter and democracy cannot flourish.

Right now in Canada , HONESTY IS SHUNED —-UNPOPULAR!!