While media has spent a half-century promoting the so-called “upside” regarding the world’s largest intake of 3rd World migration, they refrain from pointing out an inevitable downside.

by Brad Salzberg


October 11, 2023

Call it the under-belly of immigration policy in Canada. While media has spent a half-century promoting the so-called “upside” regarding the world’s largest intake of 3rd World migration, they refrain from pointing out an inevitable downside.

Import enough people from foreign nations, and in time the political problems of these countries will transition to Canada’s problems.

In the post-modern political era advanced by the ruling Liberals, this scenario has unfolded in spades. Chinese police stations on Canadian soil? Not a problem for Trudeau and the Liberals. Sikh nationalism as a fundamental of contemporary society? New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh is down with that.

Ottawa, October 10, 2023—The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, issued the following statement:

“Today, I am announcing that, as part of this commitment to welcome 15,000 migrants from the Americas, Canada will welcome up to 11,000 Colombians, Haitians and Venezuelans through a new humanitarian permanent residence pathway.”

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