I Suspect No Judge In Canada Gets This Mail—Because If they Did…

Dear Honourable Mr. Peckford:

I read your post in your blog this morning entitled “Right To Know One’s Right’s And The Public Interest – My Court Case”.

I am one of the 6 million you talk about and the damage (loss of freedoms) it has done to so many has been so detrimental.  Just this very morning I am really grappling about how to handle seeing a segment of my family again this Xmas who I haven’t seen in 4 years due to the travel restrictions and divisions in family over vaccines.  We are all estranged now.  What is making me anxious is the reality looming that all of a sudden I am supposed to instantly play the roles of “mother, mother-in-law, sister, sister in law and sadly grandmother” again after all this time lost.

That’s the role that hurts the most because I have missed out on seeing a 7 yr. old grandson grow up. Family “estrangement” due to being unable to travel has all taken a great emotional toll on my mental and emotional health as well as so many other families.

It’s pure evil what was done to us impeding our freedoms.

It did bring me closer to God which is the one great comfort.  I know he’s watching.

Keep fighting the good fight.  You are worth more than any of these shameful, weak and disgusting politicians combined..  We will never forget you and all your efforts on our behalf!