by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford

November 15, 2023

BC Conservative Leader said this according to Black Press:

“(Quite) frankly, Bonnie Henry is preventing those people from being in our system. That is causing harm to our health-care system and for that reason…we should be looking at a different health care officer in this province.”

We live in a Province where Responsible, Representative Government is suppose to exist.

So it is the Cabinet and the Legislature that rule.

The Public Health officer reports to the Minister of Health and the Minister to Heath is responsible to the Legislature .

Bonnie Henry is not elected!!

Heath Minister Dix and Premier Eby are elected!!

So Bonnie Henry is only doing what the Cabinet and Legislature gave her the power to do or allowing her to do unconstitutionally!!

It is the elected who are accountable to the people.

Boy , do we ever need Civics taught in our schools!!!