“Discrimination against religious minorities in Canada is grounded in Canada’s history of colonialism. An obvious example is statutory holidays in Canada.”

byBrad Salzberg


December 8, 2023

Having a day off work for Christmas and Easter is evidence of Canada’s colonialist history, claims the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

Funded by the federal government, the CHRC  claims that “the public celebration of major Christian festivals is rooted in religious intolerance.”

“Discrimination against religious minorities in Canada is grounded in Canada’s history of colonialism. An obvious example is statutory holidays in Canada.” 

Should Canadians be preparing for the dissolution of our Christian holidays of Easter and Christmas? Give it time, and it will come. Not among our citizenship, but rather by way of government.

Meaning that the people want it, while government do not. Over the course of eight years in office, this dynamic has served as a microcosm for the demise of democracy in Canada.

Justin Trudeau couldn’t give a fig, closet-communist that he is. As we speak, our PM and his Liberal minions, with assistance from media, our academic world, multicultural non-profits et al are re-inventing Canadian society.

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