“The Hindu Sabha Mandir in Brampton, Canada, is in the process of constructing a 55-foot-tall statue of the Hindu deity Hanuman.”

by Brad Salzberg


December 19, 2023

“The Hindu Sabha Mandir in Brampton, Canada, is in the process of constructing a 55-foot-tall statue of the Hindu deity Hanuman, scheduled to be revealed in April next year to coincide with Hanuman Jayanti.”

How wonderful– that is, for Canadians privileged enough to be a part of multicultural banquet feast forced upon society by ex-Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau in the early 1970’s.

For others, the placement of giant Hindu god is highly symbolic. If those funding the statue understood the delicate state of cultural identity in a broader context, they may have thought twice about angering the rest of us.

The ethno-centrics could have considered, for example, that ten years of tearing down statues of Sir John A. MacDonald stands in contrast to their tribute to Hindu deity Hanuman.

Turns out the broader community in and around Brampton, Ontario don’t want the statue erected. Any Canadian worth their salt knows where this leads– straight to our country’s racist doghouse.

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