“This was a terrifying incident. Security video shows a man entering Edmonton’s City Hall carrying a long gun and appearing to shoot it.”

by Brad Salzberg

January 29, 2024

“It’s not every day there is a jihadist-inspired terror attack in Canada related to Israel’s war in Gaza that few seem to know about,” extorted a journalist in a Toronto Sun-published article this week.

The seriousness of the attack stands in contrast to mainstream media’s exposure of the incident. At this stage of the globalist game, Canadians should expect nothing less than sublimation of the story.

“This was an all-out Gaza-inspired, jihadist terror attack with gunfire and home-made bombs at Edmonton’s City Hall on Tuesday and not a word out of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about it so far.”

To describe the flaccid response from government and media as “typical” speaks to an enforced transition of government policy regarding terrorism in Canada. Once upon a time, Islamic terrorism on Canadian soil would have been exposed, condemned and castigated within society.

Those days are gone. PM Trudeau and team have taken tangible steps to entrench Islam and its vicissitudes within Canadian society. If government were to form a Senate committee to investigate the attack, CAP has a suggestion as to who should be appointed lead investigator.

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