by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford

February 14, 2024

Council On Vancouver Island Wants A Class Action Suit Against Fossil Fuel Companies , Meanwhile Canada’s Coals Exports Boom  And Right In The Town’s Backyard.

The world gets crazier every day.

From the  website of The Parksville Qualicum News:

“The Town of Qualicum Beach has committed to work with other municipal governments in the province to bring a class action lawsuit against selected global fossil fuel companies and recover the costs related to climate change.

The decision was reached by council at its regular meeting on Feb. 7 but it was not unanimous as Coun. Scott Harrison voted in opposition.”

And The Canadian Press ( story dated today) reports Canada’s coal exports are booming going from 1 million tons in 2018 to over 8 million tons in 2022.

Where does most of Canada’s coal come from?

British Columbia——-just the Province where The Town Of Qualicum is located.

Did some one say there is a new fossil fuel plant being built in Kitimat ———British Columbia ? Costs over $48 billion.

Are there are thousands of kilometres of fossil fuel pipelines all over BC?