Why are we surprised at the toxic results?

by Bruce O’Hara

February 22, 2024

I just wanted to touch base quickly. I have (partly) weaned myself off obsessing over the world’s problems, which continue to unfold without my overweening supervision.

I have (gradually) been paying more attention to my here-and-now life. I’ve also been paying more attention to my diet. (I’ve now lost about half of the weight I’d like to lose.)

Dr. Robert Lustig’s book Metabolical has been a huge eye-opener for me. Lustig makes the argument that most refined foods are closer to poison than they are to food.

He argues that the burgeoning epidemic of obesity we’ve seen over the past 40 years is not caused by “gluttony and sloth” but rather by the toxic diet of North Americans. Furthermore, he argues that a great many of those of normal weight also have insulin/glucose systems that are way out of whack, setting up even apparently healthy Americans for diabetes, heart attacks, hypertension, stroke or cancer in the future.

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