by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford

February 23, 2024

BC Nanny State In Full Bloom —BC Budget


A house flipping tax —ever hear of that before?

Sell a house within two years of purchase——-the profit will be taxed .

How is that for freedom?

Over $26 billion of new deficits over the next 4 budgets including this one which is almost $8 billion  at $7.9 billion.

Spending on steroids!!

How is that for good financial management——-!!!

Let our children and grand children and great grand children be saddled with paying it back.

We are too spineless to be responsible and live within our means .

Sure the finance minister even uses the term ‘affordable debt’ ———-

And our young people are to use these leaders as role models?

The Minister says ‘ our government has your back ‘.

No , no it has forced  people unborn to pay for irresponsible behaviour, and to reduce freedom on those now living .