Buffalo Party of Saskatchewan


Dr. Charles Hoffe

Freedom Friends, Dr. Charles Hoffe, from Lytton, BC, goes before the BC College of Physicians & Surgeons’ Disciplinary Committee on March 4th thru 15th, where he must defend himself for telling the truth about what the COVID-19 vaccines were doing to his patients – truth that neither the BC Government or the BC College of Physicians wanted to hear. Dr. Hoffe wants you and everyone you know to attend his disciplinary hearing, via Zoom, to show your support for his patients and exposing the damage these vaccines did to them in early 2020. THE DEADLINE TO APPLY to attend this virtual hearing is February 24, 2024. The BC College of Physicians is making it difficult to apply, in order to discourage us. Print this PDF: Sign it, then scan or take a picture of it and email to: di****************@cp***.ca Your email needs to include these 2 lines: “I am interested in attending the Discipline Committee Hearing for Dr. Charles Hoffe on March 4 to 15, 2024, via Zoom. I have signed and attached the CPSBC Observer Policy form as requested.” Dr. Hoffe asks that you log in every day, even if you can’t watch, to show the College that Dr. Hoffe’s evidence is important to you, and that their actions will be scrutinized by everyone watching.