Dwelling in the land of communist-control, the Liberals cut another chunk out of the bed-rock that is(was) freedom and democracy in Canada.

by Brad Salzberg

March 4, 2024

It’s a tricky game, alright. Complex in conception, incrementally administered over a pre-conceived timeline, Canada has for decades been earmarked for a form of socio-political “revolution.”

“Create the problem, foment the damage, offer the solution” is the way the Liberal government of Canada roll. Machiavellian in orientation, this is how a society is to be successfully transitioned from democracy to dictatorship.

Cultural Action Party[est.2016] make no claim regarding tangible evidence of our theory on a covert hi-jacking of Canadian society. Our belief is theoretical, a hypothesis derived from decades of analysis of government and media behaviour.

We begin at its primary demarcation in 1988 with passing of the Multicultural Act of Canada. The roots of multiculturalism go back further, to 1970, when ex-Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau returned from an historic meeting with Mao Tse Tung in China.

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