Behind the curtain of “Wokism” lies a version of communism specifically tailored for the country of Canada.

by Brad Salzberg

March 5, 2024

In the political and economic philosophies of Karl Marx“class struggle” is a central tenet and practical means for effecting radical socio-political change.

In political science, the term class conflict, or class struggle, refers to the political tension that exists among the social classes of society.

As decades passed, the Marxist imperative was transitioned to an updated format. Rather than a focus on the “rich versus poor” dichotomy, academic theory shifted the emphasis to race, gender, ethnicity and religion.

Thus, the birth of what can be referenced as “neo-communism,” also known as “wokism.” Rather than the “proletariat versus bourgeois” dynamic espoused by Marx, orientation shifted to “white versus black.” Or more succinctly stated, white versus “everybody else.”

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