Beyond an issue of security threats is the threat of exposure of a half-century of Liberal-China political partnering

by Brad Salzberg

March 7, 2024

It is often only in retrospect that Canadian voters come to understand the damaging impact of government policy. A tacit relationship between government and media defers public comprehension of the downside of social policy as established by a succession of Liberal Party governments.

Under the existing structure, what should be understood as “ground zero” in Canada’s journey from free and democratic society to quasi-authoritarian state continues to be swept under the media rug.

Fascinating it is to speak of what mainstream media refuse to divulge. To select a timeline for opening up of Canada’s political arena to nefarious global forces, we reference the founder of the format:

Ex-Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau, and his diplomatic embracement of China in the early 1970’s. From this starting point, Canada began to morph into a vision desired not by the people of Canada, but rather by a select group of Quebecois “Laurentian Mountain” elites.

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