by Eldric Vero

March 10, 2024

This is a Special Edition CotD which was inspired by the recent Council meeting in the city of Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada which included medical Dr.’s Anna Kindy and Ingred Pincock presenting on the current state of healthcare in Campbell River and British Columbia.

The following are portions from within the YouTube video presentation:

“The Health Professions and Occupation Act…it’s one of the biggest acts ever passed in British Columbia. It was basically rammed through with very little consultation from the stakeholders meaning all the healthcare workers it impacts every healthcare worker in British Colombia and as well it was never fully debated and again I’ll repeat no consultation.  It gives unprecedented power to the minister of Health and leads to government overreach in your health care.”

“BC we are the only province in Canada that still have vaccine mandates…every other province in Canada has dropped the mandates, every jurisdiction in North America has dropped the mandates, every jurisdiction in the world has dropped the mandates except for British Columbia, so this is not science, this is ideology and what does ideology do, it makes every person here less safe.”

Campbell River City Council February 29, 2024 see YouTube link:

Here is the link to the slide presentation on the Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine website: and click on the blue “Slides” button.

“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act” George Orwell

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