Despite her incredibly debilitating condition as a direct result of being injected with the experimental Covid-19 vaccinations, Carrie has bravely stepped up to be the face and voice of tens of thousands of Canadians who were injured and even killed by the C-19 vaccines. She is being represented by Lawyer, Eva Chipiuk @forevaeva79

Please watch/listen and then share her story. If you are able, you can support her at the link below. Let’s all do that we can to get Carrie’s message heard across Canada, they can’t ignore her and the thousands of other victims forever.

“Carrie Sakamoto, a mother of three, who suffered significant physical and psychological harms, including permanent Bell’s Palsy, because she thought she was doing “the right thing” by following the advice and information from the government and the CBC about the COVID-19 vaccines.
She has filed a $10.5 lawsuit against the Government and the CBC for Misinformation and Negligence about COVID-19 Vaccines.”

 All donations go straight to Carrie: