“Children in England will no longer receive puberty blocker prescriptions. The medicine will only be provided to youth who take part in clinical research trials.”

by Brad Salzberg

March 13, 2024

In 2022, Canada’s Liberal government announced that it would earmark $100 million to benefit 2SLGBT people.

Debbie Owusu-Akyeeah, executive director of the Canadian Centre for Gender & Sexual Diversity, said “the strategy was long overdue,” adding that more support is needed in public schools.

She said Canada has lagged behind many other countries, such as the U.K., Ireland and the Netherlands, which already have government action plans.

Standing in direct contrast to transgender policy in Canada comes the following news, currently being played down by mainstream media:

“Children in England will no longer receive puberty blocker prescriptions, the National Health Service (NHS) of England said, confirming that the medicine will only be provided to youth who were taking part in clinical research trials.”

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