Gregory Tomchyshyn started this petition to Principal Mark Keown, Premier Wab Kinew, Education Minister Nello Atlomare, & Deputy Education Minister Brian O’Leary – 2024/03/07

Vigilant parents in the small Manitoba Town of Virden have caught their local high school distributing pornography.

A concerned mother blew the whistle on this shocking practice when her son returned home from the Virden Collegiate Institute with one of these kits.

As reported by independent news outlets Reduxx and The Publica, the school’s own nurses were distributing these pornographic sex education kits to all Grade 9 and 10 male students.

These kits came with a 52-page pornographic flipbook explicitly showing gay sex between a younger male and an older man within an Indigenous tipi (a traditional First Nations tent).

They also supplied students with a wooden phallus and several condoms so students could “practise” the “techniques” shown in the flipbook.

The flipbook was developed by several organizations advocating for sexual health and HIV prevention, while the wooden phallus was supplied by a corporation that profits from selling condoms and other sex-related products.

This is a blatant attempt to force children into the LGBT lifestyle, and the irony couldn’t be harder to miss.

Despite sweeping discussions regarding protecting children online from pornography and other sexual content, our political leaders are continuing to turn a blind eye to the primary place where the majority of children first encounter sexualized content:

Within the classrooms!

Our tax-funded public schools are distributing these explicit materials to kids. These kits are designed to encourage early sexual activity and, more alarmingly, promote not just regular sexual encounters outside of marriage but homosexual relationships with older men.

In other words, this kit, and by extension anyone who provides it, is prompting underage sex and sexual abuse towards children. In this particular case, the sexual abuse of young adolescent boys!

The irony does not merely end there.

The flipbook is developed by organizations claiming they want to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV and STDs.

So, while they are publicly seen “working” to stop the spread of sexual illnesses, they are privately pushing for increased sexual acts, which causes them to spread.

Despite the outrage, the distribution of these kits is likely ongoing, and radical sex education curriculum continues to be inflicted upon children across all publicly funded Canadian schools.

Only with your help can we hold the school and Manitoba’s Ministry of Education accountable for these actions.

Sign the petition demanding Principal Mark Keown, Education Minister Nello Altomare, Deputy Education Minister Brian O’Leary, and Premier Wab Kinew stop promoting pornography and DIY sex kits in our schools.

Sign Petition HERE


Facebook post reporting the incident

X (Twitter) post also reporting the distribution of the kits



  1. That is very wrong to young children why don’t they teach them to learn to pray and know about the lord to be better adults