Mr. Singh, I Don’t Support People Who Want To Eradicate Another People As Your Parliamentary Motion Encompasses!

Why would a Canadian Federal Political Party support people who seek to eliminate another people?

“What was will be; what was done before , will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:19

“ I have been commanded to wage war against mankind until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammed is the Messenger of Allah ——If they do , their blood and property protected .” Muhammad bin Abdullah , Prophet of Islam —source “Sword And Scimitar”  book by Raymond Ibrahim.

As readers of this blog know I support the State of Israel and its fight to remain a state.

Israel does not seek the eradication of any people.

The Palestinian organizations support the eradication of the State of Israel.

The Jews are the indigenous people of the land they occupy.

The Palestinians have no indigenous rights to the land they are trying to occupy.

‘ The Islamic doctrine of al -wala wa al-bara( loyalty, and enmity) which Mohammad preached and the Koran commands , captures all of this. The latter goes so far as to command all Muslims to ‘ renounce ‘ and ‘ disown relatives—‘even if they be , their sons, their brothers  or their nearest kindren’ —and to feel only’ enmity and hate ‘ for them until they believe in Allah alone( Koran 58:22 and 60:4)’. Source : Book Sword and Scimitar”  —Raymond Ibrahim .

Part of Mr. Singh’s  Motion:

———“House call on the government to: (a) demand an immediate ceasefire and the release of all hostages;(b) suspend all trade in military goods and technology with Israel and increase efforts to stop the illegal trade of arms, including to Hamas; (c) immediately reinstate funding and ensure long-term continued funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), and support the independent investigation; (d) support the prosecution of all crimes and violations of international law committed in the region, and support the work of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court;(e) demand unimpeded humanitarian access to Gaza; (f) ensure Canadians trapped in Gaza can reach safety in Canada and lift the arbitrary cap of 1,000 temporary resident visa applications;(g) ban extremist settlers from Canada, impose sanctions on Israeli officials who incite genocide, and maintain sanctions on Hamas leaders; (h) advocate for an end to the decades-long occupation of Palestinian territories and work toward a two-state solution; and (i) officially recognize the State of Palestine and maintain Canada’s recognition of Israel’s right to exist and to live in peace with its neighbours.”

Israel received the highest rating for political rights among all states in the Middle East according to Freedom House, which evaluates democracy and freedom around the world. My wife and I have met minority Druze and Bedouin leaders in their homes verifying their full citizenship as Israelis enjoying all the freedoms of the Jewish majority and who serve heroically in the Israeli arm forces .

There are over 130 Christian majority countries in the world, 49 Islamic and three Hindu. Israel is the only Jewish majority country in the world and has been the Jewish homeland for over 3000 years.

Mr.Singh , your hypocrisy ( indigenous rights) , your false moral equivalency, and your support of terrorists groups and non democratic states is appalling  and the opposite of Canadian values .

May the majority of MP ‘s in the House of Commons reject your unfortunate motion .

by The Honourable A.Brian Peckford