Mr.John Rustad :


BC Conservative Party

John Rustad , BC Conservative Leader ? You Are Misrepresenting Me!

I have read your communication to Michael Easton of the Easton Spectator, an internet news service . In it you make two assertions .

A. I have not seen an e-mail from Peckford “

I sent you an e-mail on 12:12 PM March 30 concerning your removing Dr. Stephen Malthouse from being considered  a candidate for your Party. I also sent it to the Party e-mail address in case  you missed it at your Legislature e-mail address. 

Additionally, I sent you an e-mail on November 15, 2023 concerning the role of a Public Health Officer.

B. ‘He has never been involved in BC politics. ‘

Obviously , your knowledge of your new party is limited. 

I had been a member of the BC Conservative Party long before your recent conversion. 

I have spoken at Public Meetings of the Party in Parksville and Duncan some years ago. 

I attended the meeting that elected John Cummins as leader. 

I provided policy advice on energy to the Party.

I prepared a report for the Party when John Cummins was leader concerning Provincial Policing . Mr. Cummins and I held a Press Conference in Victoria releasing my report. 

I was involved with the late Ian Pyfer of Victoria and the late Victor Burstall of Victoria, two highly competent lawyers, providing input into the Party’s Constitution.

By the way I conducted a one person inquiry for the Clarke NDP Government on the salmon fishery travelling to many parts of the Province holding hearings .  It gives one a sense of the place one should think and its politics. 

I was involved for a short time with one of the leaders of your former party , Gordon Campbell,  when his advisers sought my advice . 

I headed up a BC Provincial group advocating for the development of offshore oil and gas  

So rather than ‘ never been involved in BC Politics ‘ I have been involved both at the Party and Policy level for many years.

And —I have been writing a blog for over 5 years ,  often on topics relevant to the province. 

I regret that you never contacted me first when you decided to  express an opinion about my political and policy activities in the Province.

Honourable A. Brian Peckford P.C.

Sent to Mr Rustad ‘s Parliamentary Office by e-mail and to The Party’s Inquiry e-mail.

Facebook message to Michael Easton from John Rustad, leader of the BC Conservative Party..

I have never seen an email from Peckford. I know there is no point discussing this with you, but ask yourself, what has changed? I have always said it is not about being conservative, liberal, NDP or green. It is about standing for what is right and fighting for the average everyday person. Getting rid of mandates, hiring back our healthcare workers, getting rid of SOGI, getting rid of bill 36 (and many more NDP bills), restoring some common sense, passing legislation so that no new taxes or tax increases can happen with a referendum, stopping the need for FOI because everything that can be will be made public, and so much more. The Malthouse issue is very simple: I support his fight. We have worked together on a variety of issues. I still hope to work with him on more. As for Peckford, I have not read his article. If he believes you can win in BC without having a coalition I suspect he doesn’t understand BC politics. He has never been elected here. He has never been involved in BC politics.






  1. Brian Peckford sounds like a stand up, honourable guy.
    John Rustad sounds like he is going through growing pains with a revamped party run by a questionable executive.
    If Mr. Rustad and Mr. Peckford could join forces, they could do great things for British Columbia!

  2. Rustad is establishment. Getting rid of a candidate who was not pro-agenda all the way is all the proof you should require and trying to convince him to behave otherwise is a complete waste of time.

    You don’t get to be a big brand name party in any province unless you have large amount of money; the bigger problem being what you had to offer to get that money (Favours, preferential treatment, deals, etc.). I wonder why they just don’t call themselves corporations, instead of parties? They all operate under the business of running everything into the ground, after all.