Home Connecting the Dots Military Exercise 2024

Military Exercise 2024


Emergency exercise being conducted by the Canadian Armed Forces in Huron and Bruce Counties, particularly in Goderich, from May 3 to May 5, 2024.

Open Letter to Lt. Paul Verheye, 31 Canadian Brigade Group Public Affairs Officer

by Gather 2030

April 27, 2024



  1. Wow this is scary with this happening in Canada. It is about time everyone woke up. This needs to stop. Trudeau needs to be charged with treason to the people of Canada along with his useless minions. The out and out lies this PM tells is most disgusting. The look of evil on his face towards another politician should be enough to have him removed. Totally arrested for his hateful comments to the majority of white Canadians. The only systematic racism is from Trudeau and his minions.

  2. Emperor Jr. previously threatened to deploy the military on our streets. This is probably part of that threat, given how it’s lost public opinion and support. Protests are going on everywhere across the country and the blame can be laid squarely on it’s shoulders (and the emperor’s handlers, given the only thing you can hear from the emperor is the ocean, anyway).

    Then again, this could be a warmup to get everyone ready for a military march on Ottawa. …Yeah, I thought that was funny, too. They don’t have the courage to take back out country from this criminal enterprise that pretends to be our government. They had the perfect chance two years ago and they would have been into heroes during the process and they threw it away.