May 29, 2024

The World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Treaty would turn the power of the federal government over to leaders of a world government under the United Nations. The Biden administration has signaled it will accept the agreement without congressional approval. Dozens of Republican governors put President Joe Biden on notice that they “stand united in opposition” to handing over America’s national sovereignty and giving the authority to restrict US citizens’ rights and freedoms such as speech, privacy, travel [lockdowns], choice of medical care [mandatory vaccines], and informed consent, that violate our Constitution’s core principles.

The notice comes after 22 state attorneys general put the executive branch on notice that it cannot turn over US health policy to any global governance body, because the “US Constitution doesn’t vest responsibility for public health policy with the federal government.” They warned against a global surveillance infrastructure that could lead to government control similar to Communist China’s ‘social credit system’.

The governors’ letter followed a May 1 letter led by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis) and signed by all 49 Republican senators branding the WHO Pandemic Agreement “unacceptable” and “dead on arrival” if it ever comes before the US Senate for ratification, as required of a treaty.

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