“The submission to Ottawa’s FIC from Chinese Canadian Concern Group points at Senator Yuen Pau Woo and Senator Victor Oh.”

by Brad Salzberg

June 19, 2024

As reported this week by The Bureau“a Chinese Canadian human rights group taking part in Canada’s Foreign Interference Commission (FIC) has linked two Canadian senators to NSICOP’s explosive June 2024 intelligence review.”

One of them, Victor Oh, conveniently retired last week at the age of 75, as mandated by federal government policy. The other is Justin Trudeau-appointed Senator Yuen Pau Woo, multi-decade supporter of the government of China.

“The submission to Ottawa’s FIC from Chinese Canadian Concern Group points at Senator Yuen Pau Woo, also an intervener with the Commission, and Senator Victor Oh.

As it happened, Cultural Action Party [est.2016] began our existence as an independent “China Watch” organization. As a result, we have long had an eagle-eye focused on Canada’s most virulent China-pusher.

Yuen Pau Woo is a former CEO of Asia-Pacific Foundation. Senator Woo previously worked as an economist for the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation.

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