Fr. Thomas Rosica

Shane D’Costa told LifeSiteNews that he decided to wait for Father Rosica in the doorway of the establishment so that he couldn’t slip away unseen through the crowds attending the Dundas Street West festival that day.


June 19, 2024

TORONTO (LifeSiteNews) — An eyewitness has told LifeSiteNews that he saw Father Thomas Rosica enter a Toronto bathhouse last Sunday and leave two hours later.  

Shane D’Costa, a former member of Toronto’s Newman Centre, says he recognized the former CEO of Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation when he saw him on Dundas Street West on the afternoon of June 9. Wanting to speak to the Basilian priest, D’Costa followed him for “about two minutes” through the crowded street before seeing him disappear through the door of “Splash Steam and Sauna” at 1610 Dundas Street West. The younger man waited until the priest left the building two hours later and then confronted him.  

D’Costa told LifeSiteNews that he decided to wait for Rosica in the doorway of the establishment so that he couldn’t slip away unseen through the crowds attending the Dundas Street West festival that day. D’Costa said he had never seen the place before, but while waiting it dawned on him that the place was a sauna for homosexual men.  

“It’s only when I’m waiting for two hours that I noticed that it’s just gay men going in and coming out,” D’Costa told LifeSiteNews. “And I figured out that there must be a gay bathhouse. And then when I got home, I checked on the internet, and I confirmed that it was.”  

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