British Columbia — Canada’s Provincial Health Officer, Bonnie Henry fired pregnant healthcare workers even though she knew the shots were not proven safe for fetuses as reflected in this video. Canadian lawyers just put together this NEW video which proves via official documents that Theresa Tam, Bonnie Henry, and their close NDP government allies KNEW the covid vaccines could be dangerous for pregnant women & their babies, and were informed of that before going on mainstream news to push the product for their bosses of the NDP government/Pfizer. The NDP/Big pharma mafia are one and the same at this point.
The NDP and Bonnie MUST go. In October of 2024 vote them out forever.

Source: Odessa Orlewicz on X at:



  1. Vote them out they should be up on charges, thrown in jail and all their monies, return all to tax payers. They are murders.