“Ipsos polling earlier this month found support for him[Trudeau] is close to rock bottom.”

by Brad Salzberg

June 28, 2024

“The pollster, who has measured Canadian public opinion for 35 years, says it’s the worst outlook he’s seen.”

“Ipsos polling done exclusively for Global News shows 70 per cent of Canadians agree that ‘Canada is broken,’ a charge Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre repeatedly makes.”

“He’s capturing a mood,” says Ipsos Public Affairs CEO Darrell Bricker.

Poilievre isn’t the only one doing so. Incumbent Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is also “capturing a mood,” and by remaining in office, exacerbating the circumstances to the most extreme levels possible.

What makes for a broken nation? The process of “breaking apart” is largely found in the realm of inter-community harmony, or the lack of it. A unified society derives from a majority of citizens sharing similar values. While Trudeau claims that “diversity is our strength,” on the streets of Canadian society, the very opposite has become a reality.

Much of it falls within the realm of ethno-religious community dynamics. At a high-level, federal immigration policy has filled our country with disparate socio-political forces. Rather than attempt to placate the situation, legacy media utilize the phenomenon to “sell papers,” or in a post-modern context, “maximize clicks.”

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