For running down his country while branding Canadians racist bigots, karmic law kicks in for PM Trudeau on Canada Day.

by Brad Salzberg

July 1, 2024

Call it what you will– “divine justice,” or an act of karma. Uber-woke Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has just received his “just desserts” in the form of what international media describe as a “far-right” victory for Marine Le Pen’s RN Party in France.

Karmic law is defined as “destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.”

Can it be the case? For the crime of running down his country while branding Canadians racist bigots, PM Trudeau receives a most appropriate gift on Canada Day.

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Nine years in power, and Justin Trudeau has never done such a thing. Anecdotal evidence comes in myriad forms. In 2016, more than 19.46 million Canadians, or 56 per cent of the population, considered English as their only mother tongue.

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