Why Is The BC Conservative Party So Undemocratic ?

by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford


July 25, 2024

This is really perplexing.

They have been thrown some real easy soft balls:

A. An extreme socialist siting Government

B. A disorganized former Liberal Party

And here they are rejecting reputable candidates from running.

Many know about Dr. Stephen Malthouse —one day the Conservative Candidate , the next,  axed unceremoniously.

I know of a very competent businessman who put his name forward to run for the party and never got an answer.

I know of a highly educated , popular teacher in the lower mainland who had put his name forward , only to be manipulated by the Party and then silence.

I know of a local district association that is being ordered around by the Party leadership as if the local leadership have no say in their district nomination. A court proceeding is underway concerning this.

And then there is this aversion to local district associations , dis- allowing the people to choose in a democratic nominating meeting——rather the Party leadership is appointing candidates.

The leader when asked about my unanswered letters to him responded with —-‘what does he know about BC politics?

The leader was unaware that I was a member of the BC Conservatives years before his sudden conversion and contributed to some of its policy formulation.