(Image taken before the devastating fire)

Check out the date of the letter


Scott Wilson

Phone: 780-883-0773

Email: sw*****@ja************.ca



  1. Yup. Just what you need in a Canadian mountainous resort town. Hi-rise potential ghetto type apartments full of foreign workers with no ICE vehicles allowed. Exactly what tourists want to see when they visit the Canadian Rockies.
    Obviously a bought and paid for WEF Liberal/NDP stooge.
    I wonder where he was when the forest fire started that wiped out a third of the town?

  2. The whole idea is to get rid of home ownership and place us in little cubicles. The elitists do not want us owning our own property. The reason people move to the suburbs is to get away from the crime of the cities.
    Trudeau as in the States with his weak, woke policies, of no gun ownership and laxed punishment for criminals has made suburbs unsafe as well. Drugs are allowed to come in which fuels this crime in many ways theft to feed the habit, as well as gun violence between rival drug gangs. Just look at Toronto it has become as bad as any US city for it’s crime. Single family high rises filled with poor uneducated 3rd world people who have no respect for themselves or the law are the problem especially the foreign youth has only inflated the problem.
    This is what they (globalists) are planning for all Canadians, but the elitists will still have their mansions, on the hill.