“The seeds sown are decidedly ‘Liberal’ in orientation. Not only as promulgated by the Liberal Party of Canada, but through a half-century of pre-meditated socio-political assault.”

By Brad Salzberg

July 31, 2024

The seeds for the fall of Canada were sown decades ago. One major component being government control of media, which function to obscure the idea that our nation is progressing toward its national undoing.

The seeds sown are decidedly “Liberal” in orientation. Not only as promulgated by the Liberal Party of Canada, but through pre-meditated socio-political assault. The founder is ex-Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau, communist-enthusiast. The contemporary conduit is Justin Trudeau, current prime minister of Canada.

Two current events elucidate our thinking. First, a recent referendum on the formation of a Sikh-Khalistan state occurring this week in the Canadian city of Calgary, Alberta.

“The U.S.-based organization Sikhs for Justice has sparked significant controversy by dedicating today’s Khalistan ‘referendum’ at Calgary City Hall to Talwinder Singh Parmar, the co-conspirator of Canada’s deadliest terror attack.

Canada’s journey from its “True North, Strong and Free” status to its present incarnation as conduit for global terrorism is poorly understood among the public. In this regard, we reference Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek, who willingly permitted the Sikh referendum to take place at Calgary City Hall this week.

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