Two National Post Reporters , Raheel Raza and Rizwan  Mohammed Pose : Can The Conservatives Rescue Canada ?

You Must Be Kidding!!

by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford

August 6, 2024

The mainstream press are bad but this is very, very bad ?

Please read the article.

It is the Conservatives with the Liberals and lately the NDP that have caused our economic, social and financial problems.

The article makes no mention of the Conflict of Interest Act and how these Liberals , Conservatives and Socialists are operating under a dishonest system which allows MP’s to break the law and still serve in the Parliament —we even have our PM operating under such a system, violating the law 5 times !

No one wants to talk about it. The Conservatives , the likely saviours according to these reporters , won’t take action . I have written Poilievre, the leader, and he just ignores, just like the Liberals. When he was running for leadership he even called me. He needed something then . But he did not get it from me. And now I am persona non grata .

How can you have anything resembling an honest effort when the structure itself is dishonest.  Out of the morass will only come more dishonesty and incompetent leadership. And that is what has happened and continues to happen :

Bad health care , one of the worst public systems in the world, an education system that is in disarray and infested with a wok culture that sees more and more parents take their children out of the public system, and a university system plagued with political correctness and underperformance , a deficit, debt that all parties seem to enjoy and have no problems seeing them increase . Our business climate is so inferior to the American business climate that it’s a public joke in international circles.

And nothing here about our Constitution!!!How it has been violated . The Charter abused and ignored.

Canadian rights and freedoms taken away, people injured and died and still being injured and dying. Where were and are the Conservatives ? They were no where to be found on Parliament Hill when I was there during the legitimate Truckers protest!! But afterward pretending to be all in favour of the protest.

These people are going to save Canada???!

The Conservatives protect Andrew Sheer who took money from the Party for personal expenses . The Party talks about CBC—their convention of delegates from all over Canada says keep it , the leader says eliminate. it. Which is it?

The Party are the ones who brought in the terrible Emergencies Act , having Government investigate itself.

It is the Conservatives who expanded the Omnibus Bill process , an action as undemocratic, unparliamentary,  as they come. And when it comes to free trade they don’t know what it looks like.

We need major reform of the system .  I have outlined it in my Magna Carta . Much can be done without changing  the Constitution.

And if Constitutional change is needed we have the Amending Formula thanks to the Constitution Act 1982. Of course, that’s hard work —-and we are not used to that anymore —just let the unelected courts steamroll over us.

No one wants to listen.

No one wants to lead .




  1. It is (literally) impossible to fix the system through voting. ALL our major political corporations are completely dependent on who gives them their money to survive, so OF COURSE they are going to do as they are told and to hell with the needs of the country, much like how our (state-controlled) media has to do as they are told because they are now hook, line and sinkered to welfare just to survive (Recall: Bell and CBC laid off tons of people due to lost revenue and Global was threatening shutdown if they did not get their welfare cheque, so yeah, being a full-time liar DOES have consequences). Media sure is likely the laws require them to tell the truth were revoked JUST IN TIME for the scamdemic to happen. You think this kind of garbage is ever a coincidence. It’s just part of the long list of convenient coincidences that show this entire event was staged and planned to help reintroduce global feudalism.