by Harvey Oberfeld

Keeping It Real…

August 12, 2024

First, they came for the Jews: insulting/attacking students/children, old men wearing yarmulkes; smearing graffiti on stores, businesses, schools and community centres; invading university buildings, smearing hate messages on walls, wrecking furnishings; smashing windows, with shots fired and fire bombings at synagogues. In Canada!

Then, they came for the gays: a gender studies class was attacked by a knife-wielding extremist, injuring three; homophobic insults and physical attacks are up; on-line hate and threats against the LGBTQ community have exploded and, in Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and Victoria this year’s Pride parades were blocked, interrupted, stopped by extremists backing Palestine, where homosexuality is illegal and can bring imprisonment and, in Gaza, execution.

(Why doesn’t the media ever ask about this?

And now, the extremists are coming for most of the rest of the population … in Canada!

In July, a self-described Port Coquitlam-based Imam, delivered a public sermon, also posted on line, openly calling for violence and the deaths of Jews and Christians. (See the story here: In Canada!

In Toronto, a father and son duo, brandishing an ax and machete, were arrested, reportedly only hours before they were planning to carry out an ISIS-style massacre. (Read the terrible details here: In Canada!

Acts of extremism and violence are growing in frequency, against almost every identifiable group. In Canada!

The world is noticing:

So why so few arrests? Why aren’t there more charges? More trials? Real sentences?

We should learn from Britain.

Sunday, in the UK, the funeral took place for nine-year-old Alice da Silva Aguiar, one of three little girls slaughtered two weeks ago by an extremist during their school’s dance class celebration of singer Taylor Swift and her music.

And when the terrible tragedy resulted in equally tragic extremist reactions and frightening street violence, Canadians saw something we could never imagine here: more than 600 were arrested and 150 were charged, within days!!

In fact, nine who were captured on video carrying out/urging violence and hate, have already pleaded guilty and have been sentenced: 2 years, 5 months; 3 years; 2 years, 2 months; 2 years, 8 months; 2 years 6 months; 2 years, 6 months; 2 years, 8 months; 2 years, 6 months; and, 2 years 2 months. (Read the details here:

Justice never moves that fast in Canada! Even with “guilty” pleas, the “pre-sentence” report alone could take weeks!

Under our justice system (or what millions of Canadians believe is an “injustice” system), any accused would be a fool to plead guilty, even if caught or video or worse, even if they posted themselves on social media smiling right into the camera while carrying out flagrant law-breaking.

In Canada, the “system” clearly works differently than in Britain.

First, the accused has a much better chance in Canada that charges will be never actually be laid, or that they will be dropped by the Crown; that they will be released on bail (even if a many times repeat offender) or that a trial would take place until months and months down the road; and, they could then see their case tossed … because it took too long to get to court, violating the ACCUSED’s rights !!!

And, should any miscreant in Canada actually get convicted of inciting or carrying out violence or hate , I doubt any of them would see serious sentences like those handed out in the UK. More likely, suspended sentences, probation or conditional sentencing would be the norm … or, if actually sent to jail, much shorter times behind bars than in the UK … with time off, of course, for good behaviour.

That’s why extremists in Canada have so little fear: they know our system will do little or nothing to stop them!

Weak or supportive/sympathetic woke politicians, university professors, staff and administrators … and media … allow them to get away with actions and disruptions …. even blocking highways preventing thousands rom getting to work or important appointments … going far beyond legitimate “protest” into mass disruption, intimidation, without consequences.

What the public get in Canada is only lip service: condemnations, appeals to stop, expressions of support for the victims of extremists … but not the ACTION by governments, the police and the Courts we are witnessing in Britain.

Our politicians are too soft when it comes to dealing with hate crime, intimidation, even violence. For more than a decade, they have allowed extremists to turn legitimate protest into oppression, hate and even blackmail.

And our media are too soft as well … some even sympathetic/supportive … failing miserably to confront or challenge the extremists who trample on the rights of others, show little or no respect for those who disagree with them and even openly spew hatred and frighten others.

Then there are our judges: some say their hands are tied by previous court decisions and precedents. I don’t buy that: courts are there to carry out: punishment; rehabilitation and to protect the public. Too often, they fail over and over on the last one!

So we need political leaders who don’t just offer thoughts and prayers … or go on camera to claim to be as angry as the “people” are.

Canada need leaders … especially provincially and federally … who will do something to actually protect the public … and also our values, principles and rights.

(And while they’re at it, maybe out-of-control street crime, assaults, robberies, thefts as well?)

Real “leaders” are not be intimidated by militants trying hard … and now so often succeeding … to take over not only the public stage, but the public agenda as well using illegal, intimidating and violent actions.

And the media … what’s left of it … should have real reporters go after our “leaders” over and over again, asking what progress they have made EVERY DAY to change the laws to protect the rights of the law-abiding citizens, take back our society, our streets, our campuses from the extremists.

Instead of just providing free air time (and sometimes support) for self-appointed, unelected extremists … totally unchallenged … to spread their hate, illegal interference with the rights of others, and issue their blackmailing demands.

Extremists are running amok … and no one is safe.

Remember, three ISIS-worshipping misfits this past week were able to force the cancellation of Taylor Swift’s concerts in Vienna, ruining the enjoyment/plans and costly travel sacrifices of more than 100,000 music fans. In one swoop!

We must stop the extremists who have been gaining in boldness and power in Canada … by no longer caving in to them and, if they use violence, by putting them behind bars, for terms like UK judges hand out.

If we don’t do it NOW, the extremists will only increase their efforts to subvert our democratic freedoms, over-ride Canada’s principles of respect and tolerance, and rule through intimidation and blackmail.

Harv Oberfeld



  1. You are wrong Harv the British people are losing their country to Islam, Muslims, gang violence and crime is up. This is all part of the ” Great Reset” voiced by the Globalist Cabal.
    Grooming gangs have pimped out young girls with protection from the government who are involved.
    Tommy Robinson pointed this out years ago in Britain.
    Most of the people arrested are British and white also people are being arrested for posting comments on Facebook.
    This is what Trudeau wants here with his dictatorship Bills.
    Christian churches are being converted to mosques. When Islam takes over a country completely then you will have no freedoms.

    • Laying of charges and pursuit of offenders in the Courts is quite a separate issue from debating/protesting political/immigration/societal policies. It’s the timing/delays in Canada that I am addressing in this particular piece.! Just tonight, the news reported charges have now been laid in Vancouver against a dozen pro-Palestinian protestors who blocked rail line alone Grandview Highway on May 31. They were on camera, refused repeated police demands to move and then some even scuffled with police who moved in to remove them … all on camera. So why did it take until mid-August to lay charges!!! Ridiculous! h.o)

  2. Exactly who’s side are you on Harv?
    Essentially all the so-called “extremists” that have been tossed into jail (without a jury of their peers) are native British White folks who were protesting the fact that the British police were NOT dealing with the ongoing crimes of the immigrants. Man, you are advocating for an “instant justice system” that would make any dictator proud. Is it Star Chambers next Harv?
    Oh, but your source of info is the impeccible BBC. Seriously Harv. The BBC? Harv, get yourself on Telegram if you want to see what is really happening. The Echo-Chamber of BBC, Global, CTV will teach you nothing except what the Cabal and the laughable freakshow called the World Economic Forum want you to know, or more correctly, what they spew out and you eagerly lap up.
    Harv, you do a great job of championing the causes of all those little groups out there, but when the Heck are you going to champion the cause of the people that actually built this great country?
    P.S. Actually Harv, I agree with your insta-justice system. Let’s apply that right now to all the church-burners, church defilers and defilers of the statues of Canadian pioneers and Fathers of Confederation.

  3. Just another clueless boomer who still hasn’t figured out how evil MSM has become. BBC is the CBC on steroids. This is why Canada is in the toilet.

  4. You can take the reporter out of MSM, but you can’t take MSM out of the reporter!

    Harv did some amazing work back in the days of BCTV.
    He needs to realize that the MSM is now a propaganda machine.
    If he is a federal Liberal or NDPer his CD won’t allow his brain to process MSM = propaganda.

    My guess: Harv is a Trump hater for no reason other than that’s what his TV told him to believe.
    Hope Harv takes a step back to see and report on all the evil in the world today.

  5. THE CIA CONTROLS THE MEDIA: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. confirms the CIA controls the Mainstream Media through Operation Mockingbird. A CIA Whistleblower also confirms Operation Mockingbird, Operation Paperclip and MK Ultra. Hollywood is controlled by the CIA.
    Does the CIA control the media in Canada, if not, who does?