We are very pleased to report that the campaign in Manitoba against Plan20-50 was HUGELY SUCCESSFUL. Praise the LORD!

The WMR Public Hearing #2 in Niverville was scheduled to take place on August 8, 2024 and was intended to give the public an opportunity to express support or opposition for the proposed Plan20-50 (aka15 Minute City on steroids). Read the original Call to Action HERE – includes access to the Plan20-50 document, A4C NOL’s and more. Read the local news reports HERE and HERE that “surprised the Metro Board and delays hearing“.  

As a result of Action4Canada’s campaign to equip, educate, empower and ‘mobilize’ citizens throughout the province, approximately 1000 people showed up to oppose this EVIL United Nations plan to control our land and resources. This resulted in the meeting having to be postponed as the majority of those people could not fit inside the Hearing room, and the WMR is obligated to provide a meeting place large enough to accommodate ‘all’ attendees. Jennifer Freeman, WMR Executive Director, suggested that people attend the meeting via zoom but the citizens rightfully refused.

A big thank you to those 1,000 people who took time out of their lives to physically represent the much greater number of fellow Manitobans who have legitimate concerns and are opposed to Plan20-50. The Chair of the WMR Board, Michael Moore, announced that the Public Hearing would be “shut down”, a larger venue would be sought and 40 days notice would be given for the new hearing date and venue.

The Winnipeg Mayor and WMR Board Member, Scott Gillingham, appeared to be afraid of Manitobans as he arrived at the hearing under the escort of Provincial Manitoba Protection Services (PMPS) officers and he used their cover to exit out of the back door of the event (see video above). This leads to the question, if Plan20-50 is meant to improve the lives of Manitobans and benefit the people and the community then why doesn’t Gillingham feel confident to engage with the public in an open and transparent manner? His conduct raises valid questions regarding the integrity and real agenda behind this Plan.

The WMR’s Board was mandated to come up with a regional plan to enable the 18 municipalities to work together, but in reality it is a power grab that is advancing the global agenda to control citizens, their property and our rich minerals and resources.

Fun Fact: Do you know why they want to shut down wells on private property? Because the globalists want our minerals and when they go through the process of accessing those minerals it pollutes the underground waterways. They can’t dig if they are poisoning people so by shutting down the wells and forcing citizens onto city water it removes this obstacle and any further public opposition. Sio Silica is behind this and has just hired Manitoba Mayor, Carla Devlin, as vice-president for the Manitoba division. Devlin also happens to be a residential developer. Is Devlin using her position to enrich herself? Is this a conflict of interest?

Two municipalities, Selkirk and Headingley, have openly opposed Plan20-50, as it is currently written. The Manitoba Trucking Association has also sent letters to all the municipalities opposing the Plan, as it will seriously interfere with their ability to move product to businesses due to the proposed street closures.

Action4Canada was the first to notify its members about Plan20-50 and provide the resources and strategy to effectively oppose it. We need all hands on deck to permanently ‘Shut it Down!’ so please spread the word and encourage as many Manitobans as possible to get involved, and to also join Action4Canada in order to receive our emails so we can keep everyone informed of the date, time and location of the final meeting and any other pressing information.